Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saving Lives or Saving Face?

“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

I was surprised earlier this week to hear local radio personalities buzzing about the latest news from the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure. Multiple commentators applauded the foundation’s decision to cease giving money to Planned Parenthood, expressing their thankfulness for the bravery the Foundation was exhibiting. I honestly did not know before hearing about their decision that Susan G. Komen was in any way affiliated with Planned Parenthood, but I too cheered them on. Then, yesterday, while browsing Twitter, I came across an article by Dr. Albert Mohler. In it he described how, after mounting outrage from Planned Parenthood and even some in the U.S. Senate, Komen recanted, apologizing for their seemingly political decision.

In light of all this, I can only think of the words Jesus spoke to his disciples so long ago. It is heart-breaking to see an organization surrender so quickly to the fear of man, trading temporary relief from a little political “peer-pressure” for eternal consequences. What is really gained if, in avoiding the possibility of lost financial backing, one earns the displeasure of the only God and Author of Life? Those of us who are Christians can only pray for the individuals who made this decision, asking that Jesus would mercy them, opening their eyes to their error, and turn them in repentance to Himself. And we must be careful not fall prey to the same fear of man, but we must continue to be the voice of the unborn victims of groups such as Planned Parenthood, continuing to cry out for equal rights for all humans—even those living in the womb.

(Scripture taken from Mark 8:36, ESV)